Friday, May 28, 2010


Ahem...[tap,tap,tap]...Is this thing on?

Ok, so we're starting a blog. Or technically speaking, I am. Michelle. That's me up there, with the longer hair, blue eyes, necklace. And the other one...shorter hair, big smile, glasses...that's my wonderful partner, Amber.

She'll probably get in on the blogging game eventually. But, mostly, it's probably gonna be me. I'm the bloggier one of the two of us, I guess. I heart me some internet...the blogs, the facebook, the funny pictures of cats. But, I never thought I'd have a blog of my own, and I'm not exactly sure what to say. But, here we are. So I'm going to give it a shot. Bear with me, folks. (Bare? Bear?...I don't know. Gah. Blogging is hard, already.)

So, what brings us here? Well, Amber and I are hoping to start a family. We've been together for 12 years, we have a great relationship, and we can't wait to love and raise a child together. We set roots down in Georgia over 8 years ago, and have a wonderful community of neighbors and friends. We own our home and both have great jobs that we love. We've known for a long time that we want to be parents, and now we are finally at a place in our lives where we're really ready and able to provide for a child.

And, this blog is going to tell that story. The story of how we go from "ready" to "parents" in...well, probably 1,257 not-so-easy steps.

C'mon along for the ride.


How adorable is little K.? So serious, and the cutest cheeks in town!

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